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Davora Greeting Cards is a specialist greeting card publisher catering to ethnic occasions and minor seasons. Minor seasons – that’s an industry term for smaller, niche occasions. But they are not minor to us though! In fact it’s the core of our business. It’s why we exist. We know the joy that sending and receiving greeting cards brings. And we want to spread that joy to everyone, in all walks of life, and from all backgrounds.

So we make it our business to make sure cards are readily available for Eid, Diwali, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, Christian occasions, Welsh language cards and many other diverse occasions.  For it is the diversity of cultures amidst us that gives us reason to celebrate, learn and appreciate our world.

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The company was set up in 2004 by Rajeev Arora. Legend has it he saw a gap in the market when he bought some Diwali cards to send to his friends and family. He had been working away from home for quite some time and thought this would be a good way to get in touch with people he hadn’t been in touch with for a while. The cards he bought were of a very poor quality – flimsy paper, poor print and not even any gum on the envelope!

Surely he should be able to buy a decent quality Diwali card he thought? Especially in the UK where more cards are sent than in any other country on the planet! So he set about finding good quality cards and designs for the various Asian festivals. The search took them around the UK and as far as the US and India.

Within a couple of years the business was set up and had started supplying a number of independent high street shops and started attracting the attention of larger stores and multiple retailers. By a stroke of luck, Davora was asked to supply some Hanukkah cards by one of the high street stores. This opened a new avenue for the company, the Jewish card market. Davora moved from the “Asian card company” to the “Ethnic card company”.

In 2015, Davora launched it’s first dedicated brand, Pili Pala for Welsh language cards. The success of Pili Pala spurred us on, and we launched Misiu, our Polish card brand in 2016.

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This whole shaboodle was my idea.

[/team_member] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [team_member img=”2845″ name=”Chloe Hardwick” title=”Designer” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

I look after our product designs and marketing.

[/team_member] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″] [team_member img=”2846″ name=”Tanu Kalra” title=”Operations” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

I keep the wheels turning, from order processing to accounts.

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Are you a Greeting Card retailer, looking for ways to increase footfall and attract new customers? You are? Great, you’ve come to the right place!

Davora’s specialist greeting cards bring diversity to your shelves, helping you to cater to the needs of all your customers from all backgrounds. We can help you understand your local demographics too so if you’re not sure what cards to stock, give us a call and let’s have a chat.

For our trade customers we have a dedicated Trade Only website. for more information head over to www.davora.cards

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