Who celebrates Jewish New Year?

The clue is in the title! Jewish New Year is also known as Rosh Hashanah.

When is Jewish New Year?

Jewish New Year is a two day festival. The date of the festival is based on the Hebrew calendar, and falls around September or October each year. In common with other Jewish occasions, the festival begins at sundown the evening before the first day.
This year Jewish New Year will be celebrated on 9th September 2018 (and so will start on the evening of 8th September).

How is Jewish New Year Celebrated?

Rosh Hashanah is a time of reflection, prayer and family gatherings. Jewish people attend services in synagogues, praying and reflecting. This is accompanied by the sound of a ram’s horn called a shofar, blown in a special rhythm.

Special foods form part of the traditional Jewish feasts, including round shaped breads (“challah”) symbolizing the circle of life. Apples are served with honey, to symbolize a sweet new year and good health. It is common to wish each other a Sweet New Year. Pomegranates also feature prominently, and are often depicted on greeting cards.

During this time of introspection, people take stock of their actions over the year gone by, and consider what they want to achieve in the year ahead.

What are the origins of Jewish New Year?

In simplified terms, Jewish New Year signifies the creation of the world. It’s the start of a 10 day period of introspection and repentance called the Days of Awe, and culminates in another Jewish holiday called Yom Kippur.

What does “l’shanah tovah” mean?

L’Shanah Tovah is a common greeting often seen on Jewish New Year greeting cards. It means “for a good year”.

Here at Davora we sell Jewish New Year cards as singles and multipacks.

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