Thinking Of You Week is an initiative created by the Greeting Cards Association to encourage everyone to “create a wave of love, caring and happiness”. And what better way to do this than to send greeting cards?

Since the event was launched 2 years ago, more and more retailers have got involved with ToYW events being organised up and down the country. At a recent GCA Council meeting (of which I am a member), I suggested the event could now benefit from a public facing website, with information about the event and also a central place to capture and report all the activities. I also offered to build the site through Davora’s sister company, Nettl of Stockport.

The website,, is now live and offers a wealth of information for schools, publishers, retailers and the general public. Content is added and updated regulary by Sharon and her team at the Greeting Card Association.

Thinking of you week takes place on the last week of September each year.

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